The following table represents the complete list of ONIX 2.1 information elements supported by ONIXEDIT with, for each one, the reference issue from the ONIX documentation:

Product (product)
RecordReference (a001) 1.1
NotificationType (a002) 1.2
RecordSourceType (a194) 1.5
RecordSourceName (a197) 1.8
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 2.7
IDTypeName (b233) 2.8
IDValue (b244) 2.9
Barcode (b246) 2.10
ProductForm (b012) 3.1
ProductFormDetail (b333) 3.2
ProductFormFeature (productformfeature)
ProductFormFeatureType (b334) 3.3
ProductFormFeatureValue (b335) 3.4
ProductFormFeatureDescription (b336) 3.5
ProductPackaging (b225) 3.7
ProductFormDescription (b014) 3.8
NumberOfPieces (b210) 3.9
TradeCategory (b384) 3.10
ProductContentType (b385) 3.11
ContainedItem (containeditem)
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 3.14
IDTypeName (b233) 3.15
IDValue (b244) 3.16
ProductForm (b012) 3.17
ProductFormDetail (b333) 3.18
NumberOfPieces (b210) 3.25
ItemQuantity (b015) 3.28
ProductClassification (productclassification)
ProductClassificationType (b274) 3.29
ProductClassificationCode (b275) 3.30
Percent (b337) 3.31
EpubType (b211) 4.1
EpubTypeVersion (b212) 4.2
EpubTypeDescription (b213) 4.3
EpubFormat (b214) 4.4
EpubFormatVersion (b215) 4.5
EpubFormatDescription (b216) 4.6
EpubTypeNote (b277) 4.10
Series (series)
SeriesIdentifier (seriesidentifier)
SeriesIDType (b273) 5.3
IDTypeName (b233) 5.4
IDValue (b244) 5.5
TitleOfSeries (b018) 5.6
Title (title)
TitleType (b202) 7.8
TitleText (b203) 7.9
TitlePrefix (b030) 7.10
TitleWithoutPrefix (b031) 7.11
Subtitle (b029) 7.12
NumberWithinSeries (b019) 5.7
YearOfAnnual (b020) 5.8
Set (set)
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 6.3
IDTypeName (b233) 6.4
IDValue (b244) 6.5
TitleOfSet (b023) 6.6
Title (title)
TitleType (b202) 7.8
TitleText (b203) 7.9
TitlePrefix (b030) 7.10
TitleWithoutPrefix (b031) 7.11
Subtitle (b029) 7.12
SetPartNumber (b024) 6.7
SetPartTitle (b025) 6.8
ItemNumberWithinSet (b026) 6.9
SetItemTitle (b281) 6.11
Title (title)
TitleType (b202) 7.8
TitleText (b203) 7.11
TitlePrefix (b030) 7.12
TitleWithoutPrefix (b031) 7.13
Subtitle (b029) 7.14
WorkIdentifier (workidentifier)
WorkIDType (b201) 7.15
IDTypeName (b233) 7.16
IDValue (b244) 7.17
Website (website)
WebsiteRole (b367) 7.18
WebsiteDescription (b294) 7.19
WebsiteLink (b295) 7.20
Contributor (contributor)
SequenceNumber (b034) 8.1
ContributorRole (b035) 8.2
LanguageCode (b252) 8.3
SequenceNumberWithinRole (b340) 8.4
PersonName (b036) 8.5
PersonNameInverted (b037) 8.6
TitlesBeforeNames (b038) 8.7
NamesBeforeKey (b039) 8.8
PrefixToKey (b247) 8.9
KeyNames (b040) 8.10
SuffixToKey (b248) 8.12
LettersAfterNames (b042) 8.13
PersonNameIdentifier (personnameidentifier)
PersonNameIDType (b390) 8.15
IDTypeName (b233) 8.16
IDValue (b244) 8.17
PersonDate (persondate)
PersonDateRole (b305) 8.19
Date (b306) 8.21
ProfessionalAffiliation (professionalaffiliation)
ProfessionalPosition (b045) 8.24
Affiliation (b046) 8.25
CorporateName (b047) 8.26
BiographicalNote (b044) 8.27
Website (website)
WebsiteRole (b367) 8.28
WebsiteLink (b295) 8.30
ContributorDescription (b048) 8.31
CountryCode (b251) 8.33
RegionCode (b398) 8.34
ContributorStatement (b049) 8.35
Conference (conference)
ConferenceName (b052) 9.8
ConferenceAcronym (b341) 9.9
ConferenceNumber (b053) 9.10
ConferenceDate (b054) 9.12
ConferencePlace (b055) 9.13
EditionTypeCode (b056) 10.1
EditionNumber (b057) 10.2
EditionStatement (b058) 10.4
ReligiousText (religioustext)
Bible (bible)
BibleContents (b352) 10.6
BibleVersion (b353) 10.7
StudyBibleType (b389) 10.8
BiblePurpose (b354) 10.9
BibleTextOrganization (b355) 10.10
BibleReferenceLocation (b356) 10.11
BibleTextFeature (b357) 10.12
ReligiousTextFeature (religioustextfeature)
ReligiousTextFeatureType (b358) 10.14
ReligiousTextFeatureCode (b359) 10.15
ReligiousTextFeatureDescription (b360) 10.16
Language (language)
LanguageRole (b253) 11.3
LanguageCode (b252) 11.4
NumberOfPages (b061) 12.1
Extent (extent)
ExtentType (b218) 12.4
ExtentValue (b219) 12.5
ExtentUnit (b220) 12.6
NumberOfIllustrations (b125) 12.7
IllustrationsNote (b062) 12.8
Illustrations (illustrations)
IllustrationType (b256) 12.9
IllustrationTypeDescription (b361) 12.10
Number (b257) 12.11
MapScale (b063) 12.12
BASICMainSubject (b064) 13.1
BASICVersion (b200) 13.2
BICMainSubject (b065) 13.3
BICVersion (b066) 13.4
MainSubject (mainsubject)
MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier (b191) 13.5
SubjectSchemeVersion (b068) 13.6
SubjectCode (b069) 13.7
SubjectHeadingText (b070) 13.8
Subject (subject)
SubjectSchemeIdentifier (b067) 13.9
SubjectSchemeName (b171) 13.10
SubjectSchemeVersion (b068) 13.11
SubjectCode (b069) 13.12
SubjectHeadingText (b070) 13.13
PlaceAsSubject (b072) 13.15
AudienceCode (b073) 14.1
Audience (audience)
AudienceCodeType (b204) 14.2
AudienceCodeTypeName (b205) 14.3
AudienceCodeValue (b206) 14.4
AudienceRange (audiencerange)
AudienceRangeQualifier (b074) 14.7
AudienceRangePrecision1 (b075) 14.8
AudienceRangeValue1 (b076) 14.9
AudienceRangePrecision2 (b075) 14.10
AudienceRangeValue2 (b076) 14.11
AudienceDescription (b207) 14.12
Complexity (complexity)
ComplexitySchemeIdentifier (b077) 14.13
ComplexityCode (b078) 14.14
OtherText (othertext)
TextTypeCode (d102) 15.3
TextFormat (d103) 15.4
Text (d104) 15.5
TextLinkType (d105) 15.6
TextLink (d106) 15.7
TextAuthor (d107) 15.8
TextSourceCorporate (b374) 15.9
TextSourceTitle (d108) 15.10
TextPublicationDate (d109) 15.11
MediaFile (mediafile)
MediaFileTypeCode (f114) 16.4
MediaFileFormatCode (f115) 16.5
ImageResolution (f259) 16.6
MediaFileLinkTypeCode (f116) 16.7
MediaFileLink (f117) 16.8
TextWithDownload (f118) 16.9
DownloadCaption (f119) 16.10
DownloadCredit (f120) 16.11
DownloadCopyrightNotice (f121) 16.12
DownloadTerms (f122) 16.13
MediaFileDate (f373) 16.14
ProductWebsite (productwebsite)
WebsiteRole (b367) 16.15
ProductWebsiteDescription (f170) 16.16
ProductWebsiteLink (f123) 16.17
Prize (prize)
PrizeName (g126) 17.2
PrizeYear (g127) 17.3
PrizeCountry (g128) 17.4
PrizeCode (g129) 17.5
Imprint (imprint)
NameCodeType (b241) 19.2
NameCodeTypeName (b242) 19.3
NameCodeValue (b243) 19.4
ImprintName (b079) 19.5
Publisher (publisher)
PublishingRole (b291) 19.7
NameCodeType (b241) 19.8
NameCodeTypeName (b242) 19.9
NameCodeValue (b243) 19.10
PublisherName (b081) 19.11
Website (website)
WebsiteRole (b367) 19.12
WebsiteLink (b295) 19.14
CityOfPublication (b209) 19.15
CountryOfPublication (b083) 19.16
PublishingStatus (b394) 20.1
AnnouncementDate (b086) 20.3
TradeAnnouncementDate (b362) 20.4
PublicationDate (b003) 20.5
CopyrightStatement (copyrightstatement)
CopyrightYear (b087) 20.6
CopyrightOwner (copyrightowner)
CopyrightOwnerIdentifier (copyrightowneridentifier)
CopyrightOwnerIDType (b392) 20.7
IDTypeName (b233) 20.8
IDValue (b244) 20.9
PersonName (b036) 20.10
CorporateName (b047) 20.11
CopyrightYear (b087) 20.12
YearFirstPublished (b088) 20.13
SalesRights (salesrights)
SalesRightsType (b089) 21.1
RightsCountry (b090) 21.2
RightsTerritory (b388) 21.3
NotForSale (notforsale)
RightsCountry (b090) 21.5
RightsTerritory (b388) 21.6
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 21.9
IDValue (b244) 21.11
SalesRestriction (salesrestriction)
SalesRestrictionType (b381) 21.13
SalesOutlet (salesoutlet)
SalesOutletIdentifier (salesoutletidentifier)
SalesOutletIDType (b393) 21.14
IDTypeName (b233) 21.15
IDValue (b244) 21.16
SalesOutletName (b382) 21.17
Measure (measure)
MeasureTypeCode (c093) 22.1
Measurement (c094) 22.2
MeasureUnitCode (c095) 22.3
RelatedProduct (relatedproduct)
RelationCode (h208) 23.7
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 23.10
IDTypeName (b233) 23.11
IDValue (b244) 23.12
ProductForm (b012) 23.16
ProductFormDetail (b333) 23.17
EpubType (b211) 23.27
OutOfPrintDate (h134) 23.34
SupplyDetail (supplydetail)
SupplierEANLocationNumber (j135) 24.1
SupplierSAN (j136) 24.2
SupplierIdentifier (supplieridentifier)
SupplierIDType (j345) 24.3
IDTypeName (b233) 24.4
IDValue (b244) 24.5
SupplierName (j137) 24.6
TelephoneNumber (j270) 24.7
FaxNumber (j271) 24.8
EmailAddress (j272) 24.9
SupplierRole (j292) 24.13
SupplyToCountry (j138) 24.14
SupplyToTerritory (j397) 24.15
SupplyToCountryExcluded (j140) 24.17
ReturnsCodeType (j268) 24.18
ReturnsCode (j269) 24.19
LastDateForReturns (j387) 24.20
ProductAvailability (j396) 24.22
NewSupplier (newsupplier)
SupplierIdentifier (supplieridentifier)
SupplierIDType (j345) 24.26
IDValue (b244) 24.28
SupplierName (j137) 24.29
ExpectedShipDate (j142) 24.34
OnSaleDate (j143) 24.35
OrderTime (j144) 24.36
Stock (stock)
LocationName (j349) 24.40
OnHand (j350) 24.41
OnOrder (j351) 24.42
CBO (j375) 24.43
PackQuantity (j145) 24.44
AudienceRestrictionFlag (j146) 24.45
AudienceRestrictionNote (j147) 24.46
UnpricedItemType (j192) 24.47
Price (price)
PriceTypeCode (j148) 24.49
PriceQualifier (j261) 24.50
PriceTypeDescription (j262) 24.51
ClassOfTrade (j149) 24.56
BICDiscountGroupCode (j150) 24.57
DiscountCoded (discountcoded)
DiscountCodeType (j363) 24.58
DiscountCodeTypeName (j378) 24.59
DiscountCode (j364) 24.60
DiscountPercent (j267) 24.61
PriceStatus (j266) 24.62
PriceAmount (j151) 24.63
CurrencyCode (j152) 24.64
CountryCode (b251) 24.65
TaxRateCode1 (j153) 24.66
TaxRatePercent1 (j154) 24.67
TaxableAmount1 (j155) 24.68
TaxAmount1 (j156) 24.69
TaxRateCode2 (j157) 24.70
TaxRatePercent2 (j158) 24.71
TaxableAmount2 (j159) 24.72
TaxAmount2 (j160) 24.73
PriceEffectiveFrom (j161) 24.74
PriceEffectiveUntil (j162) 24.75
MarketRepresentation (marketrepresentation)
AgentName (j401) 25.4
AgentRole (j402) 25.11
MarketCountry (j403) 25.12
MarketTerritory (j404) 25.13
MarketPublishingStatus (j407) 25.16
MarketDate (marketdate)
MarketDateRole (j408) 25.17
Date (b306) 25.19
PromotionCampaign (k165) 26.1
PromotionContact (k166) 26.2
InitialPrintRun (k167) 26.3