The following table represents the complete list of ONIX 3.0 information elements supported by ONIXEDIT with, for each one, the reference issue from the ONIX documentation:

Product (product)
RecordReference (a001) 1.1
NotificationType (a002) 1.2
DeletionText (a199) 1.3
RecordSourceType (a194) 1.4
RecordSourceName (a197) 1.8
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 2.1
IDTypeName (b233) 2.2
IDValue (b244) 2.3
Barcode (barcode)
BarcodeType (x312) 2.4
PositionOnProduct (x313) 2.5
DescriptiveDetail (descriptivedetail)
ProductComposition (x314) 3.1
ProductForm (b012) 3.2
ProductFormDetail (b333) 3.3
ProductFormFeature (productformfeature)
ProductFormFeatureType (b334) 3.4
ProductFormFeatureValue (b335) 3.5
ProductFormFeatureDescription (b336) 3.6
ProductPackaging (b225) 3.7
ProductFormDescription (b014) 3.8
TradeCategory (b384) 3.9
PrimaryContentType (x416) 3.10
ProductContentType (b385) 3.11
Measure (measure)
MeasureType (x315) 3.12
Measurement (c094) 3.13
MeasureUnitCode (c095) 3.14
CountryOfManufacture (x316) 3.15
EpubTechnicalProtection (x317) 3.16
EpubUsageConstraint (epubusageconstraint)
EpubUsageType (x318) 3.17
EpubUsageStatus (x319) 3.18
EpubUsageLimit (epubusagelimit)
Quantity (x320) 3.19
EpubUsageUnit (x321) 3.20
MapScale (b063) 3.21
ProductClassification (productclassification)
ProductClassificationType (b274) 3.29
ProductClassificationCode (b275) 3.30
Percent (b337) 3.31
ProductPart (productpart)
PrimaryPart (x457) 4.1
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 4.2
IDTypeName (b233) 4.3
IDValue (b244) 4.4
ProductForm (b012) 4.5
ProductFormDetail (b333) 4.6
NumberOfItemsOfThisForm (x322) 4.12
NumberOfCopies (x323) 4.13
Collection (collection)
CollectionType (x329) 5.1
SourceName (x330) 5.2
CollectionIdentifier (collectionidentifier)
CollectionIDType (x344) 5.3
IDTypeName (b233) 5.4
IDValue (b244) 5.5
CollectionSequence (collectionsequence)
CollectionSequenceType (x479) 5.5a
CollectionSequenceTypeName (x480) 5.5b
CollectionSequenceNumber (x481) 5.5c
TitleDetail (titledetail)
TitleType (b202) 5.6
TitleElement (titleelement)
SequenceNumber (b034) 5.6a
TitleElementLevel (x409) 5.7
PartNumber (x410) 5.8
YearOfAnnual (b020) 5.9
TitleText (b203) 5.10
TitlePrefix (b030) 5.11
TitleWithoutPrefix (b031) 5.12
Subtitle (b029) 5.13
TitleDetail (titledetail)
TitleType (b202) 6.1
TitleElement (titleelement)
SequenceNumber (b034) 6.1a
TitleElementLevel (x409) 6.2
PartNumber (x410) 6.3
YearOfAnnual (b020) 6.4
TitleText (b203) 6.5
TitlePrefix (b030) 6.6
TitleWithoutPrefix (b031) 6.7
Subtitle (b029) 6.8
Contributor (contributor)
SequenceNumber (b034) 7.1
ContributorRole (b035) 7.2
FromLanguage (x412) 7.3
ToLanguage (x413) 7.4
NameType (x414) 7.5
NameIdentifier (nameidentifier)
NameIDType (x415) 7.6
IDTypeName (b233) 7.7
IDValue (b244) 7.8
PersonName (b036) 7.9
PersonNameInverted (b037) 7.10
TitlesBeforeNames (b038) 7.11
NamesBeforeKey (b039) 7.12
PrefixToKey (b247) 7.13
KeyNames (b040) 7.14
SuffixToKey (b248) 7.16
LettersAfterNames (b042) 7.17
CorporateName (b047) 7.19
ContributorDate (contributordate)
ContributorDateRole (x417) 7.37
Date (b306) 7.39
ProfessionalAffiliation (professionalaffiliation)
ProfessionalPosition (b045) 7.40
Affiliation (b046) 7.41
BiographicalNote (b044) 7.42
Website (website)
WebsiteRole (b367) 7.43
WebsiteLink (b295) 7.45
ContributorDescription (b048) 7.46
ContributorPlace (contributorplace)
ContributorPlaceRelator (x418) 7.48
CountryCode (b251) 7.49
RegionCode (b398) 7.50
ContributorStatement (b049) 7.51
Event (event)
EventRole (x515) 8.16
EventName (x516) 8.17
EventAcronym (x517) 8.18
EventNumber (x518) 8.19
EventTheme (x519) 8.20
EventDate (x520) 8.21
EventPlace (x521) 8.22
EditionType (x419) 9.1
EditionNumber (b057) 9.2
EditionStatement (b058) 9.4
ReligiousText (religioustext)
Bible (bible)
BibleContents (b352) 9.6
BibleVersion (b353) 9.7
StudyBibleType (b389) 9.8
BiblePurpose (b354) 9.9
BibleTextOrganization (b355) 9.10
BibleReferenceLocation (b356) 9.11
BibleTextFeature (b357) 9.12
ReligiousTextFeature (religioustextfeature)
ReligiousTextFeatureType (b358) 9.14
ReligiousTextFeatureCode (b359) 9.15
ReligiousTextFeatureDescription (b360) 9.16
Language (language)
LanguageRole (b253) 10.1
LanguageCode (b252) 10.2
Extent (extent)
ExtentType (b218) 11.1
ExtentValue (b219) 11.2
ExtentUnit (b220) 11.4
NumberOfIllustrations (b125) 11.6
IllustrationsNote (b062) 11.7
AncillaryContent (ancillarycontent)
AncillaryContentType (x423) 11.8
AncillaryContentDescription (x424) 11.9
Number (b257) 11.10
Subject (subject)
MainSubject (x425) 12.1
SubjectSchemeIdentifier (b067) 12.2
SubjectSchemeName (b171) 12.3
SubjectSchemeVersion (b068) 12.4
SubjectCode (b069) 12.5
SubjectHeadingText (b070) 12.6
Audience (audience)
AudienceCodeType (b204) 13.2
AudienceCodeTypeName (b205) 13.3
AudienceCodeValue (b206) 13.4
AudienceRange (audiencerange)
AudienceRangeQualifier (b074) 13.5
AudienceRangePrecision1 (b075) 13.6
AudienceRangeValue1 (b076) 13.7
AudienceRangePrecision2 (b075) 13.8
AudienceRangeValue2 (b076) 13.9
AudienceDescription (b207) 13.10
Complexity (complexity)
ComplexitySchemeIdentifier (b077) 13.11
ComplexityCode (b078) 13.12
CollateralDetail (collateraldetail)
TextContent (textcontent)
TextType (x426) 14.1
ContentAudience (x427) 14.2
Text (d104) 14.3
TextAuthor (d107) 14.4
TextSourceCorporate (b374) 14.5
SourceTitle (x428) 14.6
ContentDate (contentdate)
ContentDateRole (x429) 14.7
Date (b306) 14.9
CitedContent (citedcontent)
CitedContentType (x430) 15.1
ContentAudience (x427) 15.2
SourceType (x431) 15.3
SourceTitle (x428) 15.4
ListName (x432) 15.5
PositionOnList (x433) 15.6
CitationNote (x434) 15.7
ResourceLink (x435) 15.8
ContentDate (contentdate)
ContentDateRole (x429) 15.9
Date (b306) 15.11
SupportingResource (supportingresource)
ResourceContentType (x436) 16.1
ContentAudience (x427) 16.2
ResourceMode (x437) 16.3
ResourceFeature (resourcefeature)
ResourceFeatureType (x438) 16.4
FeatureValue (x439) 16.5
FeatureNote (x440) 16.6
ResourceVersion (resourceversion)
ResourceForm (x441) 16.7
ResourceVersionFeature (resourceversionfeature)
ResourceVersionFeatureType (x442) 16.8
FeatureValue (x439) 16.9
FeatureNote (x440) 16.10
ResourceLink (x435) 16.11
ContentDate (contentdate)
ContentDateRole (x429) 16.12
Date (b306) 16.14
Prize (prize)
PrizeName (g126) 17.1
PrizeYear (g127) 17.2
PrizeCountry (g128) 17.3
PrizeCode (g129) 17.4
PrizeStatement (x503) 17.4a
PrizeJury (g343) 17.5
PublishingDetail (publishingdetail)
Imprint (imprint)
ImprintIdentifier (imprintidentifier)
ImprintIDType (x445) 19.1
IDTypeName (b233) 19.2
IDValue (b244) 19.3
ImprintName (b079) 19.4
Publisher (publisher)
PublishingRole (b291) 19.5
PublisherIdentifier (publisheridentifier)
PublisherIDType (x447) 19.6
IDTypeName (b233) 19.7
IDValue (b244) 19.8
PublisherName (b081) 19.9
Website (website)
WebsiteRole (b367) 19.10
WebsiteLink (b295) 19.12
CityOfPublication (b209) 19.13
CountryOfPublication (b083) 19.14
PublishingStatus (b394) 20.1
PublishingStatusNote (b395) 20.2
PublishingDate (publishingdate)
PublishingDateRole (x448) 20.3
Date (b306) 20.5
CopyrightStatement (copyrightstatement)
CopyrightType (x512) 20.6a
CopyrightYear (b087) 20.7
CopyrightOwner (copyrightowner)
CopyrightOwnerIdentifier (copyrightowneridentifier)
CopyrightOwnerIDType (b392) 20.8
IDTypeName (b233) 20.9
IDValue (b244) 20.10
PersonName (b036) 20.11
CorporateName (b047) 20.12
SalesRights (salesrights)
SalesRightsType (b089) 21.1
Territory (territory)
CountriesIncluded (x449) 21.2
RegionsIncluded (x450) 21.3
CountriesExcluded (x451) 21.4
RegionsExcluded (x452) 21.5
SalesRestriction (salesrestriction)
SalesRestrictionType (b381) 21.5a
SalesOutlet (salesoutlet)
SalesOutletIdentifier (salesoutletidentifier)
SalesOutletIDType (b393) 21.5b
IDTypeName (b233) 21.5c
IDValue (b244) 21.5d
SalesOutletName (b382) 21.5e
SalesRestrictionNote (x453) 21.5f
StartDate (b324) 21.5g
EndDate (b325) 21.5h
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 21.6
IDTypeName (b233) 21.7
IDValue (b244) 21.8
PublisherName (b081) 21.9
ROWSalesRightsType (x456) 21.10
SalesRestriction (salesrestriction)
SalesRestrictionType (b381) 21.11
SalesOutlet (salesoutlet)
SalesOutletIdentifier (salesoutletidentifier)
SalesOutletIDType (b393) 21.5b
IDTypeName (b233) 21.5c
IDValue (b244) 21.5d
SalesOutletName (b382) 21.15
SalesRestrictionNote (x453) 21.16
RelatedMaterial (relatedmaterial)
RelatedWork (relatedwork)
WorkRelationCode (x454) 22.1
WorkIdentifier (workidentifier)
WorkIDType (b201) 22.2
IDTypeName (b233) 22.3
IDValue (b244) 22.4
RelatedProduct (relatedproduct)
ProductRelationCode (x455) 23.1
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 23.2
IDTypeName (b233) 23.3
IDValue (b244) 23.4
ProductForm (b012) 23.5
ProductFormDetail (b333) 23.6
ProductionDetail (productiondetail)
ProductionManifest (productionmanifest)
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 28.1
IDTypeName (b233) 28.2
IDValue (b244) 28.3
CoverManifest (covermanifest)
SpecificationDetail (x560) 28.6
SpecificationFeature (specificationfeature)
SpecificationFeatureType (x561) 28.7
SpecificationFeatureValue (x562) 28.8
SpecificationFeatureDescription (x563) 28.9
CoverResource (coverresource)
SequenceNumber (b034) 28.11
ResourceFileLink (x572) 28.26
BodyManifest (bodymanifest)
SpecificationDetail (x560) 28.33
SpecificationFeature (specificationfeature)
SpecificationFeatureType (x561) 28.34
SpecificationFeatureValue (x562) 28.35
SpecificationFeatureDescription (x563) 28.36
BodyResource (bodyresource)
SequenceNumber (b034) 28.38
ResourceFileLink (x572) 28.49
ProductSupply (productsupply)
Market (market)
Territory (territory)
CountriesIncluded (x449) 24.1
RegionsIncluded (x450) 24.2
CountriesExcluded (x451) 24.3
RegionsExcluded (x452) 24.4
SalesRestriction (salesrestriction)
SalesRestrictionType (b381) 24.5
SalesOutlet (salesoutlet)
SalesOutletIdentifier (salesoutletidentifier)
SalesOutletIDType (b393) 24.6
IDTypeName (b233) 24.7
IDValue (b244) 24.8
SalesOutletName (b382) 24.9
SalesRestrictionNote (x453) 24.10
StartDate (b324) 24.11
EndDate (b325) 24.12
MarketPublishingDetail (marketpublishingdetail)
PublisherRepresentative (publisherrepresentative)
AgentRole (j402) 25.1
AgentIdentifier (agentidentifier)
AgentIDType (j400) 25.2
IDTypeName (b233) 25.3
IDValue (b244) 25.4
AgentName (j401) 25.5
ProductContact (productcontact)
ProductContactRole (x482) 25.11a
ProductContactIdentifier (productcontactidentifier)
ProductContactIDType (x483) 25.11b
IDTypeName (b233) 25.11c
IDValue (b244) 25.11d
ProductContactName (x484) 25.11e
ContactName (x299) 25.11f
EmailAddress (j272) 25.11g
MarketPublishingStatus (j407) 25.12
MarketDate (marketdate)
MarketDateRole (j408) 25.14
Date (b306) 25.16
PromotionCampaign (k165) 25.17
PromotionContact (k166) 25.18
InitialPrintRun (k167) 25.19
SupplyDetail (supplydetail)
Supplier (supplier)
SupplierRole (j292) 26.1
SupplierIdentifier (supplieridentifier)
SupplierIDType (j345) 26.2
IDTypeName (b233) 26.3
IDValue (b244) 26.4
SupplierName (j137) 26.5
TelephoneNumber (j270) 26.6
FaxNumber (j271) 26.7
EmailAddress (j272) 26.8
ReturnsConditions (returnsconditions)
ReturnsCodeType (j268) 26.14
ReturnsCodeTypeName (x460) 26.15
ReturnsCode (j269) 26.16
ProductAvailability (j396) 26.17
SupplyDate (supplydate)
SupplyDateRole (x461) 26.18
Date (b306) 26.20
OrderTime (j144) 26.21
NewSupplier (newsupplier)
SupplierIdentifier (supplieridentifier)
SupplierIDType (j345) 26.22
IDTypeName (b233) 26.23
IDValue (b244) 26.24
SupplierName (j137) 26.25
TelephoneNumber (j270) 26.26
FaxNumber (j271) 26.27
EmailAddress (j272) 26.28
Stock (stock)
LocationName (j349) 26.32
OnHand (j350) 26.36
OnOrder (j351) 26.37
CBO (j375) 26.38
PackQuantity (j145) 26.41
UnpricedItemType (j192) 26.42
Price (price)
PriceType (x462) 26.43
PriceQualifier (j261) 26.44
PriceTypeDescription (j262) 26.45
PriceCondition (pricecondition)
PriceConditionType (x463) 26.47
PriceConditionQuantity (priceconditionquantity)
PriceConditionQuantityType (x464) 26.48
Quantity (x320) 26.49
QuantityUnit (x466) 26.50
ProductIdentifier (productidentifier)
ProductIDType (b221) 26.50a
IDTypeName (b233) 26.50b
IDValue (b244) 26.50c
DiscountCoded (discountcoded)
DiscountCodeType (j363) 26.54
DiscountCodeTypeName (j378) 26.55
DiscountCode (j364) 26.56
Discount (discount)
DiscountType (x467) 26.57
Quantity (x320) 26.58
DiscountPercent (j267) 26.59
DiscountAmount (x469) 26.60
PriceStatus (j266) 26.61
PriceAmount (j151) 26.62
Tax (tax)
TaxType (x470) 26.66
TaxRateCode (x471) 26.67
TaxRatePercent (x472) 26.68
TaxableAmount (x473) 26.69
TaxAmount (x474) 26.70
CurrencyCode (j152) 26.71
Territory (territory)
CountriesIncluded (x449) 26.72
RegionsIncluded (x450) 26.73
CountriesExcluded (x451) 26.74
RegionsExcluded (x452) 26.75
PriceDate (pricedate)
PriceDateRole (x476) 26.83
Date (b306) 26.85

If you cannot see these tables, please refer to the web version on the ONIXEDIT website.