I don't see the hot folder for my new catalogue!

Check that your catalogue have "Import Rules" defined in your ONIXEDIT preferences/Server Edition/Catalogues:

If the catalogue do not have import rules, ONIXEDIT AIA won't create the corresponding hot folder.

You must also insure that the ONIXEDIT Server owner (the admin user) has the user rights to Read, Add, Modify and Delete titles in your catalogue.

The metadata file that I uploaded to my hot folder is ingested but not the cover images!

metadata file is the trigger ONIXEDIT AIA is looking for to begin the ingestion of the hot folder. If you upload your asset files (cover images or eBooks) at the same moment as your metadata file it is possible that the metadata file upload completes prior the asset files. ONIXEDIT AIA will then begin the title ingestion before the cover images or eBooks upload is completed. As a result, your assets files will be ignored and will stay in the hot folder until another corresponding metadata file is uploaded. However, a possible option for this situation may be to activate the workflow action "Process orphan media files".