Define cover images

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One of the main problem in the transmission of ONIX files is without a doubt sending cover images which should accompany the titles. Of course, it is easy to transmit an ONIX file to your trading partner by email or by using an FTP program. But what happens to the cover images? Unlike in Word, PowerPoint, Quark, or InDesign, when you are working on an ONIX document, images cannot be included. These external files are only referenced by their access paths, for example using a <MediaFileLink> tag:


       C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\Books\Book1\cover.jpg


Consequently, when you send your ONIX file by email or by FTP, your cover images locally referenced on your computer are not automatically transferred! However, ONIXEDIT offers a simple and effective solution to this problem: The Media Space. In your private media space, ONIXEDIT classifies the cover images associated to your books and ebooks, whatever their source, making everything easily available to your trading partners. As a result, each of the cover images that you associate to your titles with ONIXEDIT Cloud will be available on the Internet to your trading partners. Instead of referring to a local file on your computer, the MediaFileLink tags in your ONIX files will refer to an URL like this:



With ONIXEDIT Cloud, you can define cover images using two different methods:

Defining a cover image for a specific title

If you want to add or modify a cover image for a specific title, follow these steps:

1- Find the title to which you want to add a cover image and Edit it.

2- Right under the ONIXEDIT logo of the Entry Form, you will find the button "Upload a cover image". Just click on it:

3- A standard File Open dialogue will appear for you to select the cover image to add to your title. Just select a JPG, TIFF, PNG or GIF image on your computer or from a server you have access to and click on the "Open' button:

Your cover image will then be uploaded and automatically associated to your title.

Defining cover images for a series of titles

If you want to upload and associate multiple cover images specific to a series of titles in one single step, the fastest way to proceed is to follow these steps:

1- First, prepare your cover images. They must be of type GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG or TIFF and their name must include the ISBN 13, ISBN 10 or the RecordReference of the titles to which they must be associated.

2- Group all those cover images in a single folder and compress it as a .zip or .gz archive.

3- From the Main List, open the Actions drop down menu and choose "Import Images".

4- A dialogue box will pop up. Click on the button "Upload an archive" and select the archive file prepared at step #2.

Your file will then be uploaded, uncompressed and each cover image it contains will be automatically associated with the corresponding title based on its ID.