ONIXEDIT Server Edition

ONIXEDIT Server Edition


Manage millions of ONIX 2.1/3.0 titles (the maximum number of titles that you can handle depends on your license).
Upload ONIX 2.1/3.0 files of any size to the server.
Produce ONIX 2.1/3.0 files of any size from the server.
Use ONIXEDIT Pro as the client interface and get all ONIXEDIT features from a fast and powerful SQL/XML Server.
Advanced search tool allowing you to combine different search criteria with logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and save your search scripts for later usage.
ONIXEDIT Server Administration
Define as many ONIX metadata catalogs as you need and manage maximum authorized records if needed.
Define users and manage their access rights on each catalog.
Define Default Values for each catalog.
Define Custom Validation for each catalog.
Create Import Rules for each catalog to define which ONIX elements would be updated from external sources based on a Primary Key that you choose.
Auto-numbering option to let ONIXEDIT assign a sequential ID automatically to each of your new ONIX titles.
Define Custom Fields (Alphanumeric, Boolean, Date, Time, Integer, Real, Enumerated and HTML) and associate non-ONIX metadata to your titles.
Manage contributors Authority List.
Use your own FTP server for Media Files management.
Import ONIX metadata and Custom Fields from flat files (tabulated, CSV, fixed length) and Excel Files to update your ONIX titles from external sources.
Export ONIX metadata and Custom Fields to flat files and Excel files.
Search Related Titles based on the ONIX composite RelatedProduct.
Create Batches of ONIX Titles to facilitate transmission of ONIX files to your trading partners.
Each title creation and last modification date as well as the User identification are automatically maintained by ONIXEDIT Server.          
Automatic title versioning with an embedded XML compare tool to efficiently locate differences between 2 versions.
Automatic Ingestion Agent to import and convert external metadata and asset files.
Automatic transmission of metadata and asset files following specific schedules and search criteria.
Move titles from one catalog to another by simple drag & drop.
Provide a light weight and platform independent Web interface (same as ONIXEDIT Cloud ) to manage your ONIX titles. The Web interface can be customized with your own logo ("On Premises" implementation only).
Lock/Unlock function to avoid any update on specific titles.
Control which sections of an ONIX product a user can modify with Lock Profiles.
Set Post, FTP and Custom Reports actions for your ONIXEDIT Cloud users.
Powerful RESTful API with complete set of CRUD methods on all ONIXEDIT entities for an easy integration with your in-house Systems.
Two possible implementation models: Hosted (we take care of everything) and "On Premises" (you control every aspect of ONIXEDIT on your own server).