With the publication of our latest release ONIXEDIT 3.1.7, we think it is a good time to spotlight some less known features but nevertheless, very powerful ones that you can find today in your preferred ONIX editor.

Custom Columns Configuration

It is now possible to define which ONIX metadata to show in your main list of ONIXEDIT. In your Preferences, you will find an handy tool to select which ONIX fields to present and in which order. You can even use the XPATH query language to define very specific metadata columns:


Export to Excel or flat file using XPATH

You will also find a similar functionality in our generic Export to Excel/Flat Files tool. Indeed, you can now define XPATH columns to export precisely the metadata that you want to put in your Excel or flat file. For instance, the following screen capture shows a column that will export the USD price of each title having the SupplierName field equals to "Amazon":


Advanced Search

After having worked on a new powerful Search tool for ONIXEDIT Server, we now bring that tool to all our ONIXEDIT users. More precise and complete, this new Search tool opens doors to endless possibilities:


Stricter integer/decimal fields validation

EDItEUR recently released strict version of ONIX 3.0 schema to enhance validation against numeric fields. Because some of your trading partners may begin to apply these stricter validation schema, we modified our own validation engine accordingly. Consequently, you may find new validation errors in your ONIX 3.0 files and even on your ONIX 2.1 files (for those who wants to produce ONIX 3.0 files from their ONIX 2.1 metadata with our automatic conversion tool). It is a very good practice to clean up these new validation errors in your ONIX metadata to be fully compliant with the new standard.

You can read this excellent blog from Tom Richardson of Booknet Canada for more information:

ONIX 3.0 Schema getting stricter


Validation Score

With version 3.1.7, we introduced a new feature: The Validation Score status bar:

With the help of this status bar, you will know immediately if your ONIX file is valid or not, and at which validation percentage.


Generate THEMA subjects from BIC or BISAC

Since ONIXEDIT 3.1.6, you can now automatically generate THEMA subjects with our unique BIC/BISAC to THEMA converter. Just select the titles you want to process, right click and select "Generate missing THEMA subjects from BIC/BISAC":